Global Pathology Award Project – Timeline

Oct 21, 2021
Alliance to Increase Global Pathology Workforce convening call

February 2022
Name changed to Open Pathology Education Network (OPEN)

March, 2022
Board of Trustees named for OPEN

April 2022
Pilot projects for Asia Bladder Cancer and DOH Gyn Pathology Training launched

May 2022
OPEN Inc. incorporated in Oklahoma and filing for tax-exempt status commenced

June 30, 2022
CAP Global Pathology Award grant submitted

July 2022
Selection of developer/IT support to outline portal content and selection of graphic design features to
unify visual presentation; URL secured

July 2022
Curriculum modules for breast, GU and GYN organized for development and curation; collaboration with
Pediatric Pathology Society for Pediatric Path modules sought

August 2022
Grant award received, contracts and licensing agreements for software and hosting secured

October 2022
Platform ready for testing; Update report presented at PathVisions22 with demonstration of preliminary

January 2023
Platform ready for “go live” with existing content from Gyn, Bladder/GU and breast(?)
Assessment of HCMC OPEN ABC project completed

May 2023 Assessment of Gyn DOH pilot project completed

July 2023 Additional modules in PediPath, Heme, GI, Neuro, and lung deployed

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